About – Jewish Review of Books
The Jewish Review of Books is a quarterly print publication with an active online presence for serious readers with Jewish interests. In our pages, leading writers and scholars discuss the newest books and ideas about religion, literature, culture, and politics, as well as fiction, poetry, and the arts.
We offer a lively magazine of insights and argument, criticism, and commentary, written especially for intelligent men and women who believe, as we do, that Jewish subjects are worthy of attention that is serious, accessible, and occasionally even playful.
When the Jewish Review of Books was first published in the spring of 2010, it was welcomed by Jason Epstein, the cofounder of the New York Review of Books, as “an essential source not only for Jewish readers but for serious readers in general.” The late Charles Krauthammer called it “bold, compelling and beautifully written . . . a new anchor for Jewish intellectual discourse.” Since 2010, we have built a strong subscriber base of some of the most influential scholars, rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and Jewish and non-Jewish professionals.
Our writers include some of the best commentators on Jewish subjects: Shlomo Avineri, Matti Friedman, Hillel Halkin, Dara Horn, Jon D. Levenson, Shoshana Olidort, Itamar Rabinovich, Jonathan Sacks, Ruth Wisse, and many more.
The Jewish Review of Books is published by the Jewish Review of Books Foundation.
We are grateful to our impressive list of generous donors. To learn more about how your donation can help the JRB grow and flourish, please contact Akiva Schick [email protected].