Shai Held, Judaism, and Love
Rabbi Shai Held joins the Jewish Review of Books Podcast to discuss his new book, "Judaism is About Love."

The 1936 Arab Revolt And Our Modern Moment
On today's episode of the Jewish Review of Books Podcast, Abe is joined by Oren Kessler, author of the Sapir Award-winning book Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict. Oren dives into the history of this nearly forgotten revolt, and the outsized role it played in shaping the dynamics that still exist in the Israel today.

The Unlikely Jewish Olympian: Sarah Abrevaya Stein on Alfred Nakache
On today’s episode of The Jewish Review of Books Podcast we’re speaking with Sarah Abrevaya Stein. Sarah is a fantastic scholar of Jewish history, and the Director of the Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies. She teaches Jewish studies at UCLA and her focus on Mediterranean Jewish history has uncovered underappreciated and under-examined figures from the Jewish past.

Shai Secunda on Israel’s National Library
Contributing Editor Shai Secunda joins the Jewish Review of Books Podcast to discuss the new National Library of Israel and the great project of gathering Jewish culture under a roof that mixes the classical Yeshiva with the grand libraries of Europe.

Benjamin Balint & Matti Friedman: 1973 & 2023
On today's episode, Abe spoke with two brilliant Jerusalem-based journalists, Ben Balint and Matti Friedman. Ben's most recent book, Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Murder, and the Hijacking of History won the 2024 National Jewish Book Award in biography. Matti Friedman is the author, most recently, of Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai.

Stuart Halpern on Esther in America
On this episode of the Jewish Review of Books podcast, Abe speaks with Stuart Halpern.

Neta Stahl, S.Y. Agnon, and the Aftermath of October 7
This week on the Jewish Review of Books Podcast, we spoke to Neta Stahl, the author of the article "A City and its Fullness" for our recent issue.

Welcome to the JRB Podcast
Welcome to the Jewish Review of Books Podcast! For a long time now, we've wanted to share the discussions the editors get to have with our brilliant writers, and now we'll be doing just that. We'll be covering books and ideas about religion, literature, culture, and politics. Our first episodes will feature writers Neta Stahl, Stu Halpern, Matti Friedman, and Ben Balint. We'll be bringing you those episodes and more soon, so listen now and subscribe.