Proverbs 8:22-31

The Lord created me at the outset of His way,

    the very first of His works of old.

In remote eons I was shaped,

    at the start of the first things of earth.

When there were no deeps I was spawned,

    when there were no wellsprings, water sources.

Before mountains were anchored down,

    before hills I was spawned.

He had yet not made earth and open land,

    and the world’s first clods of soil.

When He founded the heavens, I was there,

    when He traced a circle on the face of the deep,

when He propped up the skies above,

    when He powered the springs of the deep,

when He set to the sea its limit,

    that the waters not flout His command,

      when He strengthened the earth’s foundations.

And I was by Him, an intimate,

    I was His delight day after day,

       playing before Him at all times,

playing in the world, His earth,

    and my delight with humankind.




Suggested Reading

Homage to Mahj

Homage to Mahj

Amy Newman Smith

A traveling exhibit attempts to explain the Jewish fascination with Mah Jongg, a favorite past-time of mid-century Jewish suburbia, Jewish country clubs, and Catskill resorts.

The Mayor and the Massena Blood Libel

The Mayor and the Massena Blood Libel

Gary Stein

When State Trooper Corporal H. M. “Mickey” McCann asked if it was true that Jews offered human sacrifices on holy days, the diminutive rabbi responded with a tongue-lashing that may have reminded McCann, a veteran of the Great War, of his drill sergeant.