Welcome to the JRB Podcast

Welcome to the Jewish Review of Books Podcast! For a long time now, we’ve wanted to share the discussions the editors get to have with our brilliant writers, and now we’ll be doing just that. We’ll be covering books and ideas about religion, literature, culture, and politics.
Our first episodes will feature writers Neta Stahl, Stu Halpern, Matti Friedman, and Ben Balint. We’ll be bringing you those episodes and more soon, so listen now and subscribe.
Suggested Reading
Intense Listening: The Poetry of Harvey Shapiro
Harvey Shapiro, who grew up in an observant Jewish family, was a connoisseur of distances and silences.

Universal Rights and the Particular Jew
Jews, like so many other minorities, whether they had states or not, deserve recognition and protection as nations. But these universal rights have eluded Jews, even as they worked to ensure them for others.

Think Over My Lesson and Try to Destroy It
When Levinas met a vagabond called Chouchani, he told a friend, “I cannot tell what he knows, all I can say is that all that I know, he knows.” Now that we have dozens of Chouchani’s notebooks, can we finally know what he knew?

Ba’al Teshuvah Poetics
Part of being a ba’al teshuvah is the yearning to stop being one—to finally blend with those who never had to return because they never left.
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