
  1. johndavidhutsell

    i was disappointed that it was just a straight re-telling of the tale, with no skeptical, critical commentary.
    like Harvey said, it was typical Crumb illustration--good, but nothing new. none of the highly valuable Crumb insight.

Suggested Reading

Foundation Stone

Foundation Stone

Zalman Rothschild

The meshichists remove the covering from Schneerson's red velvet chair because he will be sitting on it during prayer; they gaze at the spot where he is believed to be stationed; and they call him up to the Torah for aliyot, parting ways to make room for him as he “walks” up to the bimah.

Love and War

Love and War

Alan Mintz

David Grossman has for sometime been one of Israel's most talented and important writers. In many of his novels, his feeling for adolescence—one is tempted to say, his identification with it—has been so brilliantly intuitive that the imagining of adulthood has scarcely been possible. In To the End of the Land, Grossman makes his breakthrough.