Anita and the Wolf
A new Argentinian film sheds light on living with Down Syndrome.
Eco’s Elders of Zion
Umberto Eco's new novel highlights—or exemplifies—the real history of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, intertwined as it is with bad fiction.

How Goodly Are Your Tents, O Tel Aviv? A Symposium
Overshadowed by the more earth-shaking or at least highly publicized events elsewhere, the "Tent City Protests" that began in Tel Aviv last summer have been forgotten by many outside of Israel. Nonetheless, they were extraordinary both in size-on September 3 as many as 450,000 marched throughout Israel-and civility. We thought that it would be useful to listen to what some thoughtful and involved Israelis are saying about what they saw or did last summer in the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Jewish Identity and Its Discontents
Two philosophies—one analytical, the other amorous—of the modern Jewish condition.
Letters, Winter 2012
Curating Assimilation, Rav and the Butchers & the Bergson Boys.

No Tips
Yale's Jewish Lives Series finds an unlikely subject: Leon Trotsky.

Secularism and Sabbateans
How did the Jews become modern? Three new books trace the roots of Jewish secularization.
Sincere Irony
In a new book about religious moderation, William Egginton makes some good points, along with a few immoderate claims.
Starving for Zion
For Chaim Gans, the justification for nationalism in general, and Zionism in particular, lies in the human rights of the individual.
The Jewish Turn of Norman Podhoretz
A new biography charts the rise of Norman Podhoretz, from a young voice of the anti-Communist left, to a leading neoconservative and American Zionist.