Buried Treasure
Hundreds of thousands of Jewish manuscripts were redeemed from Egypt.

Daniel Bell (1919-2011)
In memoriam.
Grading Parents
Tips for Tiger Mothers, Panda Fathers, and everything in between.

Israel and the Old-New Middle East
The social and political realities of the Middle East make democracy unlikely. A rough neighborhood may be getting rougher.

Law in the Desert
Studying the weekly portion with Jerome, Nachmanides, and others, the seemingly tedious parts of Exodus become compelling.
Letters, Spring 2011
Independence in prayer, Sari Nusseibeh's "state," and the heirs of secularism.

Lucky Grossman
Vasily Grossman was one of the principal voices of anti-Nazi resistance, and a legendary journalist who spent 1000 days at the front during World War II.

Melting Pot
Joan Nathan's search for Jewish cooking in France yields some surprising results.
Our Exodus
How did a high-school dropout named Leon Uris pen one of the most influential novels of all time?
Passover on the Potomac
As the holiday of freedom approaches, we explore two haggadahs—one old and one new—from our nation's capital, and think about the "audacious hope" of redemption.