Inheriting Abraham: The Legacy of the Patriarch in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Table of Contents
A Note on Transliteration from Hebrew
Introduction • Who Was (and Is) Abraham?
Chapter One • Call and Commission
Chapter Two • Frustrations and Fulfillments
Chapter Three • The Test
Chapter Four • The Rediscovery of God
Chapter Five • Torah or Gospel?
Chapter Six • One Abraham or Three?
Index of Primary Sources
Index of Modern Authors
Suggested Reading
The Living Waters of History
A historical novel about the Spanish Expulsion tells us as much about current reading trends as it does the lives of Jews in 15th-century Spain.

“Whoever Is Hungry, Come and Eat”? From the Babylonian Poor to the Ashkenazi Elijah
Why do we begin the seder by inviting “whoever is hungry” to come and eat? Aren’t the guests already at the table? And why do we do it in Aramaic? It has something to do with Babylonian magic bowls . . .

High Fives
The JRB editors celebrate our fifth anniversary with our top-five book lists.

Ba’al Teshuvah Poetics
Part of being a ba’al teshuvah is the yearning to stop being one—to finally blend with those who never had to return because they never left.