Neta Stahl, S.Y. Agnon, and the Aftermath of October 7

This week on the Jewish Review of Books Podcast, we spoke to Neta Stahl, professor of modern Hebrew literature at Johns Hopkins University, and the writer of the article “A Kibbutz and Its Fullness” for our recent issue.
Neta grew up on Kibbutz Kfar Aza, and reflects on her memories of the kibbutz as it was. She explores the influences of S.Y. Agnon, and the future of her home.
Listeners who want to help rebuild Kfar Aza can donate here:
You can also hear more from Neta this Sunday, when she speaks with Jeffrey Saks this Sunday at noon Eastern about S.Y. Agnon and the ways we respond to trauma. Register here:
Suggested Reading

America’s Jewish Bridegroom
Horace Kallen can be found in the ill-starred pantheon of prolific writers known for only one thing: one novel, one sonnet, one treatise, or, in his case, one idea. That idea is “cultural pluralism.”
Digital Anti-Semitism: From Irony to Ideology
From tweeting trolls to digital incitement, a contemporary history.
In and Out of Africa
Explaining the origins of the many African and African American groups who identify themselves as Jews or, at least, as descendants of the ancient Israelites.
Torah and the Thermodynamics of Life: An Interview with Jeremy England
Hailed by some as the next Darwin, immortalized as a character in a Dan Brown novel, Jeremy England discusses religion and science, his background, and his intellectual influences.
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