Stuart Halpern on Esther in America
On this episode of the Jewish Review of Books podcast, Abe speaks with Stuart Halpern. Stu is Senior Adviser to the Provost of Yeshiva University and Deputy Director of Y.U.’s Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought. He’s also the editor of Esther in America, a wonderful anthology that explores the surprising ways that Americans—both Jews and non-Jews—have used the story of Esther.
Stu is also a recent Oleh, and he tells us what it feels like to be in Israel this year as Purim arrives.
Listen on Spotify, or Apple Podcasts. And you can read Stu’s articles here.
Suggested Reading
Missing Menachem
When Menachem Begin led the Likud to victory in 1977, Yitzhak Ben-Aharon spoke for many in the Israeli political establishment when he said that “if this is the will of the people, we have to replace the people.” Begin’s image has evolved, but he remains a contested figure.
Category Error: A Response & Rejoinder
Yoram Hazony responds to Jon D. Levenson's critique of his book. Levenson replies.
Silence of the Lambs
Sacrifice is both foreign and familiar. Actually sacrificing an animal is difficult to imagine, and yet we continue to speak freely of sacrifice in connection with political and moral obligations.
I Believe: A Poem
The Jewish Review of Books Podcast Stuart Halpern on Esther in America Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 29:30 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 29:30 | Recorded on March 21, 2024 Please remember, contestants, to phrase your answer in…
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