Legitimacy of Hope
Ilan Troen passionately argues for Israel's legitimacy in the face of unprecedented loss.
A Torah Exchange: Malka Simkovich Responds to Yonatan Adler
Malka Simkovich engages with Yonatan Adler's letter.
A Torah Exchange: Yonatan Adler Responds to Malka Simkovich
Yonatan Adler Responds to Malka Simkovich's review of his new book, "The Origins of Judaism: An Archeological-Historical Reappraisal
On the Origins of Judaism: An Exchange
In our Winter 2024 issue, Malka Simkovich took a deep dive into Yonatan Adler’s thought-provoking new book, The Origins of Judaism: An Archeological-Historical Reappraisal. Her review explored Adler’s argument that Judaism as we know…
The Romance and Rage of Rashbi
In the technical halakhic sense, Lag BaOmer is not really a festival, and it is not attested to in any of the classical sources. So how did the Hilula de-Rashbi, as the Meron Lag BaOmer celebration is called, become such a large, and largely Hasidic, pilgrimage—and rave?
What Was That Really About? Antisemitism or Something New?
In our Winter 2024 Issue, Editor Abraham Socher, Jonathan Karp, and Reviel Netz debated the cause behind the surge of anti-Israel protests spreading across the US and the world. Are…
What’s Going On With Antisemitism?
Jonathan Karp responds to Reviel Netz
More than the Old New Antisemitism
Reviel Netz responds to Jonathan Karp.
You May View the Land from a Distance: Chaim Weizmann, May 1948
On the day the State of Israel declared independence, Chaim Weizmann lay ill and exhausted in a New York hotel room, waiting to hear if his rivals in Tel Aviv would recognize his achievements.
Second-Hand Jew: A Self-Portrait in Scenes
I took my first novel to Israel with me, and when a suitcase bomb exploded twenty meters away from me at the Munich airport, I shielded the manuscript with my body. My sister didn’t read it until just before I left. Then she said: “I thought Thomas Mann was dead. Anyway, if you ask me, he’s not a good example.”