The Apocryphal Psalms of David 1:15–20
You vowed of old to your servant David,
mercifully anointing the shoot of Jesse:
You sustained his authority in your sanctity for
he spread your praise to the ends of the earth:
You set his name as an eternal pillar;
he repairs the breach and rebuilds the ruins:
A cornerstone despised by the builders
you have raised to the headstone above all nations:
Joyfully you crown him with glory,
calling him the splendor of all nations
—translated by Azzan Yadin-Israel
Suggested Reading
Bellow after Gaza: Rereading To Jerusalem and Back
The real Jerusalem syndrome isn’t the one your tour guide told you about. It’s what Saul Bellow experienced on his 1975 trip.
Purity and Obscurity
When contemporary Jews of priestly lineage avoid cemeteries, when ordinary Jews wash their hands before eating, or immerse themselves in ritual baths, they are acting according to the dictates of an ancient system.
The Vanishing Point
A new exhibit explores the vanished world and unseen photographs of Roman Vishniac.
A Rejoinder
I didn’t know that there was anyone left in the academic world who held as simplistic view of history as the one that Eric Alterman espouses in his response to my review (“Context and Content,” Winter 2023). The historian’s job, he says, “is not to voice disapproval or approval” of anything. Consequently, he endorses “nothing and no one in this…
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