The Apocryphal Psalms of David 1:15–20
You vowed of old to your servant David,
mercifully anointing the shoot of Jesse:
You sustained his authority in your sanctity for
he spread your praise to the ends of the earth:
You set his name as an eternal pillar;
he repairs the breach and rebuilds the ruins:
A cornerstone despised by the builders
you have raised to the headstone above all nations:
Joyfully you crown him with glory,
calling him the splendor of all nations
—translated by Azzan Yadin-Israel
Suggested Reading
Going Under with Klinghoffer
When it came to New York’s Metropolitan Opera this past fall The Death of Klinghoffer faced angry—and, it must be admitted, some pretty shrill—demonstrators.
The Great Gaon of Italian Art
Berenson’s teacher Charles Eliot Norton dismissively dubbed Berenson's method the “ear and toenail school,” but Berenson employed the technique in his first book to great effect.
An Old-New Bigotry? A Response
Both Jonathan Karp’s and Reviel Netz’s essays are written in the shadow of October 8—not the day of the unthinkably brutal Hamas massacre in southern Israel, but the day after.
Friendship in the Fields of Moab
Naomi and Ruth have mourned together and are now setting off on the 50-mile journey from the plains of Moab to Bethlehem, toward an uncertain future—alone but side by side.
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