Jews in Blue

Jews in Blue

Stuart Halpern

Did Civil War Jews hurl themselves into battle on Yom Kippur, host raucous Seders in camp, and decorate themselves with imaginary honors? Adam D. Mendelsohn walks through the strange history of the Civil War's Jewish soldiers.

Where She Has Gone

Where She Has Gone

Stuart Halpern

The book of Ruth has inspired Oscar-winning films, medieval kabbalists, rugged kibbutzniks, and gifted artists. What is it about this book that makes it so engaging?

A Comic Megillah?

A Comic Megillah?

Stuart Halpern

Megillat Esther has long balanced the comic and the graphic in its content and interpretations. A new Koren graphic novel takes the challenge a bit more literally.

Depths of Devotion

Depths of Devotion

Stuart Halpern

Aldous Huxley wrote a poem where Jonah was “seated upon the convex mound of one vast kidney” of the fish that swallowed him, while George Orwell gave an interpretation of the Bible story in a review of Henry Miller. Read Stuart Halpern’s romp through Jonah’s reception history.

Jonah: The Sequels

Jonah: The Sequels

Stuart Halpern

“And shall I not care about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not yet know their right hand from their left, and many beasts as well?”