
Letters, Fall 2022

Day School and State; An Apocryphal Footnote; Confirmed as Drowned, and more


Think Over My Lesson and Try to Destroy It

When Levinas met a vagabond called Chouchani, he told a friend, “I cannot tell what he knows, all I can say is that all that I know, he knows.” Now that we have dozens of Chouchani’s notebooks, can we finally know what he knew?


No Balm

A new book on talmudic medicine illustrates the ills of modern academia, argues Shai Secunda.

The Blessings of Manasia

His father recited Modeh Ani every morning and ordered a set of tefillin from Mumbai. Unaware that they were meant to be worn and not merely kept, he put them away on a shelf.

The Golem of Montreal

The famous golem of Prague was invented by a forger, faith healer, amulet salesman–and the most enterprising kosher chicken slaughterhouse supervisor of Montreal.

People of the Book World

"The Jewish market has become quite a good one,” a Knopf editor observed; even the “goy polloi” were buying, wrote another staffer.


First Person

Lost & Found

Last Word

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