The Modern Crisis of Moral Thought: An Exchange

In our Fall 2017 issue, Abraham Socher examined  Aristotle’s akrasia and Maimonides’s teshuvah with an eye toward establishing whether true repentance was possible. His original article can be found here


The piece prompted Andrew N. Koss of Mosaic magazine to lay out an argument that the mussarists might have found a solution to the “modern crisis of moral thought.” His response, which appeared in our Winter 2018 issue, is here.


Abraham Socher’s rejoinder to Koss, also in the Winter 2018 issue, can be found here.




    1. asmith

      When circumstances demand, we build the online issue at home, at night, while watching a sick kid. Hilarity ensues! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've corrected it.

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