Israeli director Joseph Cedar's new film Footnote was anything but that at the Cannes Film Festival, despite its setting in the Hebrew University Talmud department.
Minhag America
Since the founding of the United States, the American "synagoguge" has survived as a flexible institution—some would argue, too flexible.
Next Year on the Rhine
Like Newport, Rhode Island, Worms, Germany is the quiet, waterside home to its country's most venerable synagogue—but the similarities stop there.
Harry Wolfson, Reinhold Niebuhr, and chutzpah.
Red Rosa
A newly published collection of letters shows a new, softer side of Rosa Luxemburg.
The Audacity of Faith
The career and life of Yehuda Amital—unconventional, unpredictable, and free of clichés.
The Birthright Challenge
Eleven years and four books on, can Birthright Israel save diaspora Judaism?
The Nation of Israel?
The case for an Israeli—not Jewish—republic.
The Rebbe and the Yak
What do you do when your ancestor appears to you in a dream saying that he is trapped inside the body of a Tibetan yak? If you're the Ustiler Rebbe in Haim Be'er's new novel, you go to Tibet to find him, of course.
What Is a Jew? The Answer of the Maccabees
In 1958, David Ben-Gurion sent a letter to fifty Jewish leaders around the world, asking, "Who is a Jew?" Many replied, but Abba Hillel Silver did not—not directly, anyhow.